Dine More.
Wait Less. Stay Safe.

Are you ready for contactless dining? With SERVD you can order, reorder and pay your bill all from your phone at your favorite restaurants.


Offer SERVD at Your Restaurant

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Stay Safe

Less interaction, less sharing of communal items. Order, reorder, and pay from your trusted device.

Save Time

Skip the line and the wait—get seated, order, and pay on your terms.

Simple Payments

Review your order and pay from our easy-to-use app—so long inaccurate orders and incorrect checks!

How SERVD Works

  1. Get The App

    Download SERVD to any mobile device for easy use.

  2. Pick Your Restaurant

    Order via app for a quick, convenient and customized experience. You can order for takeout, or dine-in—the choice is yours!

  3. Pay When You Want

    Leave when you’re ready—no more waiting for the check.
